Announcement of the 2025 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony
The 6th Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony, celebrating outstanding individuals and organizations dedicated to global peace and human development, is coming soon.2025 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony▶ Date: Thursday, April 11, 2024▶ Time: 3:00 PM (KST)▶ Venue: Lotte Hotel Jamsil, Seoul, South Korea▶ Live Broadcast: Sunhak Peace Prize - YouTubeThis ceremony will honor the achievements of this year’s laureates who have devoted themselves to peace and human development. It will also serve as a moment to reflect on the importance of striving for global peace.For those unable to attend in person, join us live via the official YouTube channel.We warmly invite your interest and participation!
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- 16 January 2025
Announcement of the 2025 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureats Press Conference
Announcement of the 2025 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates Press Conference The Sunhak Peace Prize Commmittee will hold a press conference to announce the laureates of the 2025 Sunhak Peace Prize as follows: This event is dedicated to honoring remarkable contributions that shine a light on peace and humanity\'s future. Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 11:00 AM Venue: 19th Floor, Press Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea Host: Sunhak Peace Prize Committee Contact: Sunhak Peace Prize Committee Secretariat (Email: sunhakprize@gmail.com) During the press conference, the major achievements and contributions of the 2025 laureates to peace will be introduced, along with details of the award ceremony schedule. We look forward to welcoming many journalists interested in peace and sustainable development. Thank you. Sunhak Peace Prize Committee Secretariat
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- 15 January 2025
'Giant of Peace and Education' Dr. Hong Il-sik, the First Chairman of the Sunhak Peace Prize Comm...
A giant of peace and education, Dr. Hong Il-sik, the inaugural chairman of the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee, left our side at the age of 87 on September 11, 2023.The former president of Korea University, Hong Il-sik, played a leading role in selecting the laureates from the 1st to the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize since he took the role of the inaugural chairman of the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee in 2014. Under the leadership of Chairman Hong Il-sik, nine world-renowned figures including former President of Kiribati Anote Tong, Dr. Modadugu Gupta, Dr. Gino Strada, Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, Ms. Waris Dirie, President Macky Sall of Senegal, former President Munib A. Younan of the Lutheran World Federation, and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon were selected as the laureates of the Sunhak Peace Prize.We express deep respect and gratitude for Chairman Hong Il-sik\'s efforts and dedication in making the Sunhak Peace Prize an important platform for world peace and harmony. May he rest in peace.
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- 12 September 2023
The Interviews with Indonesian winners of the ‘2021 Peace Motion Graphics Contest’
The Interviews with Indonesian winners of the ‘2021 Piece Motion Graphics Contest’ were introduced on the ‘Korea Culture Sharing Website’, which is operated by the depatment of Korean Culture and Information Service, of the Korean government. The lively reflections of the winners of the ‘2021 Peace Motion Graphics Contest’ will be presented to young people around the world who love Korean culture.Link to the interview:https://www.korea.net/TalkTalkKorea/English/community/community/CMN0000012884
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- 15 October 2021
A Letter from Afghanistan
While the world is in shock from the Islamic fundamentalist group, Taliban, entering Kabul, a letter from Sakena Yacoobi, an Afghan woman educator and the second Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate, arrived at the Sunhak Peace Prize Secretariat on the 17th.The open letter, \'Afghanistan has fallen- What you can do to help,\' contains the urgent voice of Dr. Yacoobi, calling for the protection of Afghan women and children from this crisis.As the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) founder and CEO, Dr. Yacoobi continues to promote women\'s rights and education through the institute even during this desperate situation. In addition, she is proposing a way for people worldwide to join the Afghan refugee relief effort in solidarity with AIL.Link to Afghan Learning Institute: https://www.afghaninstituteoflearning.org/Dr. Yacoobi has sent this letter to many colleagues and organizations who have been promoting the rights of Afghan women. Former U.S. President George W. Bush released a statement calling for Afghan refugee relief on the 17th in Newsweek, citing Sakena Yacoobi\'s desperate letter at the end.Link to the full text of former U.S. President George W. Bush\'s statement calling for relief in Afghanistan: https://www.newsweek.com/george-bush-urges-afghanistan-refugees-helped-without-delay-full-statement-1619960The Sunhak Peace Prize Secretariat shares Dr. Yacoobi\'s message hoping that people worldwide will help the Afghan refugees. This is one of the most difficult letters I have ever written. After twenty years, our government collapsed with almost no resistance. The constitution we worked so hard for, the rights our women sacrificed so much to gain, thrown out the window like scraps for the dogs. Our military and the Ghani government fled, leaving our women and children to face the Taliban with no support. The world watched it happen, without care. We begged, screaming for help. So, now we see peace is again made on the back of women and children. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has fallen, and Kabul is in complete chaos. My office and staff are unharmed, for which we thank God. The nation of Afghanistan is in turmoil. My schools are still running as of now. We have been instructed that we can continue as long as we separate boys and girls. The day the Taliban took Kandahar, they planted three flags in the courtyard. My schools must be important, as they visited the very first day the Taliban took control. Our Women Learning Centers remain open as they primarily serve women. As of now, my staff is unharmed. We hope and pray this remains true. We have been told that Radio and TV Meraj are not to operate until we are given notice; we will wait for that instruction. We hope and pray that the Taliban wasn\'t lying when they told the world they did not intend to shut the schools, but our universities have already closed their doors to women and told them to go home. Burqa sales have tripled, as have the prices to purchase them. Women who lived through the Taliban before now go to purchase these garments, while the daughters raised under the American occupation throw them in their mothers\' faces, refusing to wear them. We are a nation at a crossroads, but AIL will do what AIL has always done. We will continue to educate and provide a safe space for children and women. We will continue to offer food, job training, and medical care for as long as we can remain in our facilities. When it is no longer possible to stay in those buildings, we will find new buildings and work there. Wherever we have schools now, we will have schools next week, next month, or next year. AIL was started in secret, and it will continue in secret if it must. While we are afraid, we will not be defeated. Our mission remains the same. We will set up schools in every province, now that the worst has come. We know what to expect. We know the Taliban very well. There is no question of how they operate or what they expect. We know how to manage them, and we will act accordingly. Letter after letter, phone call after phone call, came in this weekend asking how you can help. We need humanitarian supplies. The refugee situation we updated you with last week and the week before has only deteriorated. We have 300,000 internal refugees and 80,000 children who are without shelter and food. Where we were short of supplies, now we are out. Those in need are overwhelming us. Aid agencies have left with the Americans. AIL will not be leaving, so we will expand our facilities to help those who lost everything, including their homes, in the fighting. We need dry milk, clothes, school supplies, medicine, hygiene items, and since Covid is still present, soap and sanitizers are critical. Many of you have asked what else you can do, and to that, I say to contact the UN and government officials and tell them you want them to use every possible tool they have to protect our women and girls through diplomatic means. Sanction Pakistan for their invasion of my country, and pray for the safety of my people. Our democracy may have fallen for now. Ideas do not disappear so easily. One cannot kill whispers on the wind. The Taliban cannot crush a dream. We will prevail, even if it takes longer than we wanted it to. Much love to you all,Dr. Sakena YacoobiHow you can help AfghanistanDonate to AILhttps://www.afghaninstituteoflearning.org/how-to-donate.htmlEmail the White Househttps://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/Email Number 10 Downing Streethttps://email.number10.gov.uk/Request Peacekeepershttps://peacekeeping.un.org/en/contactInternational Committee of the Red Crosshttps://www.icrc.org/en/contact
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- 22 August 2021
‘Maestro of humanity’: 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate Gino Strada dies at 73
Beloved and respected by humanitarians around the world,Dr. Gino Strada died on August 13 at the age of 73.He was the founder of the medical-aid NGO, EMERGENCY. As a surgeon, he devoted his life to healing those in need. He saw healthcare as a human right.In 2017 Dr. Strada was awarded the Sunhak Peace Prize in recognition of his lifelong humanitarian work, saving millions of people suffering in conflict areas around the world.EMERGENCY has treated over 11 million people in 19 countries since 1994.It currently operates in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Italy, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen.His commitment to healing was unchanging and he spoke out passionately on behalf of those who suffer, saying, \"If any human being is suffering at this moment, if they are ill or hungry, this regards all of us,because ignoring a person\'s suffering is always an act of violence and one of the most cowardly\".His noble love of humanity will remain a warm seed in our hearts. His life has been a blessing to this world.We love you Gino.
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- 14 August 2021
Save the date for the 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Awards Ceremony!
The 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Awards Ceremony will be held onWednesday, February 5, 2020 at 10AMVenue: KINTEX Exhibition Center 1, Ilsan Republic of KoreaFor any inquiries, please contact us at: sunhakpeaceprize@gmail.com
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- 2 March 2021
[Announcement] The 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates Announcement
Announcement of the 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates■Date and TimeSaturday, October 5, 2019 at 5 p.m.■PlaceNagoya, JapanThe 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize was established to present a new kind ofpeaceful civilization in the 21st century by discovering and supportingindividuals and organizations that contribute to the peaceful future of humankind under the vision of “ A Peace Award for Future Generations.”The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee received 86 nominations from 45 countries through many prominent figures, international award winner,world-renowned academic organizations and NGOs.After a thorough inspection by 8 of our committee members as well as Il Shik Hong, the chairman of the Sunhak Peace Prize and Erna Hennicott Shoepges, the former member of the European Parliament and formerpresident of Luxembourg’s Parliament will be finalized and announced on October 5th. Please be on the lookout for the announcement of the 2020 SunhakPeace Prize laureates.The award ceremony will be held on February 5, 2020, in Seoul, Korea.
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- 2 March 2021
Call for Nominations for the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize
Please recommend a candidate for the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize.The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee will receive recommendations from March to May 2019 for candidates for the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize.Under the peace vision of the \"One Family of All Humans,\" the Sunhak Peace Prize takes \"human rights respect,\" \"conflict\" and \"ecosystemic conservation\" as the three symbols of peace, and the winner is selected every other year and receives US$1 million in prize money and medals.Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon founded the Sunhak Peace Prize to continue the legacy and vision of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon who founded the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and who dedicated his life to the promotion of world peace, working beyond the boundaries of racem religion and state.The inaugural award was given in 2015. The 4th Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony will take place in 2020, to honor the centenary of the birth of the founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.In particular, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Moon Sun-myung, which has called for Award Ceremony a year ahead of the schedule.The Sunhak Peace Prize seeks to find a hidden leader who has devoted himself to world peace and to make it a model of the vision of peace for the whole family of mankind, so please give us a lot of attention and recommendation. Criteria for candidacy▲individual or organization that has contributed to the Sunhak Peace Prize’s missions.▲Individual or organization that has positively influenced to diverse nations, races, religions and cultures for the sake of peace▲In the case of individuals, the nominees in question must be presently alive. The documents for submission▲ recommendation letters (in a format)▲ the evidence of the candidate’s achievements in relation to the nominationThe application for recommendation letters▲Application period : March 2019 – May 2019▲Reception: 8th F. Dowon Bldg. 34 Mapo-daero Mapo-gu, Seoul, S. Korea 04174E-mail: sunhakprize@gmail.com / Tel: 02-3278-5160 / Fax: 02-3278-5198▲Official Nomination Form – Introductory Brochure , the 4th Nomination FormOfficial Announcement and Award Ceremony▲ Official Announcement : October 2019, Sunhak Peace Prize home page▲ Award Ceremony : February 2020, Seoul※Recommendation for candidates may be done by e-mail or offline by postal mail.※Please send information of candidate’s achievements along with sources.※Documents received will not be returned. For all important documents and supporting source material, please submit copies rather than the originals.※The recommender may nominate one individual or group per person.
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- 2 March 2021
[Announcement] The 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate Announcement
The 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate Announcement Thursday November 22nd5:00 p.m. South African Standard Time3:00 p.m. GMTAnnouncement to be made on Thursday November 22, at 5PM (local time),at the Cape Town International Convention Center, South Africa.Total Candidate Reception : 111 Candidates from 40 Nations The Sunhak Peace Prize Committee Chair, Dr. Il Sik Hong (former President of Korea University), will make 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate Announcement on November 22, at 5:00 PM, local time. Under the motto called, “Making the World Better for Future Generations,” the Sunhak Peace Prize was established to recognize individuals and organizations that had made enduring contributions to humanity for the betterment of humanity’s future and to seek models for a new civilization toward peace, in the 21st century. For the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize, the Sunhak Committee received 111 candidates from over 40 nations through a recommendation panel made up of dignitaries laureates of international prizes, world-renowned academic organizations, NGOs from around the world. The nominations were then reviewed by the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee consisting of 7 international members, including Chairman Dr. Il Sik Hong, and Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former Member of the European Parliament. After conducting further field analysis, the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee will finally announce the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate on November 22nd. The 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony will take place on February, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea.
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- 2 March 2021
[Announcement] Nominations for the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize
The Sunhak Peace Prize Committeeis now accepting nominations for the 2019 Award recipients. In line with Sunhak Peace Prize\'s three key objectives (Sustainable Human Development, Conflict Resolution and Ecological Conservation), the Committee is searching for dedicated leaders and role models whose activities embody the One Family Under God peace vision. A. Criteria for Candidacy- Nominees must be individuals or organizations whose activities embody the Sunhak Peace Prize vision of peace- Nominees must be individuals or organizations that have made positive impacts of peace for nations, races, religions and ideologies- In the case of individual nominees, the nominees in question must be presently alive B. Required Material- Candidate nomination form (1 copy per candidate)- Detailed description of the candidate\'s achievements C. Submission Information- Period : March 2018 ~ June 2018- Send to : Sunhak Peace Prize Secretariat Dowon Bldg. 14th fl., 34 Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul, S. Korea, 04174 E-mail: sunhakprize@gmail.com TEL: +82)2-3278-5156, FAX: +82)2-3278-5198 - Official Nomination Form Nominations for candidates may be done by e-mail or offline by postal mail. Sunhak Peace Prize Introductory Brochure | Nomination Form ※ Please send information of candidate’s achievements along with sources. ※ Documents received will not be returned. For all important documents and supporting source material, please submit copies rather than the originals. ※ The recommender may nominate one individual or group per person. D. Laureate Announcement & Award Ceremony (Date & Location)- Laureate Announcement : October 2018, USA (Announcement will be featured in news outlets and at sunhakpeaceprize.org)- Award Ceremony : February 2019, Seoul, S. Korea
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- 2 March 2021
The 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony
Making the world better for future generations,the Sunhak Peace Prize will hold its second awards ceremony in 2017. February 3, 2017(Friday) 10a.m.Lotte Hotel World, Crystal Ballroom Dr. Gino Strada, an Italian surgeon, and Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, an Afghan women’s education professor, were selected as co-recipients of the prize. Dr. Gino Strada is highly regarded for his humanitarianism transcending national borders, saving the lives of eight million people over the past 28 years, providing \"urgent medical relief\" to refugees and war victims at the forefront of global disputes. Dr. Sakena Yacoobi has been greatly recognized for her efforts to \"educate\" 13 million refugees at Afghan refugee camps devastated by the war, and offer a solution for their resettlement. During its laureate announcement press conference, Committee Chairman Dr. Il Sik Hong, former president of Korea University stated, “As a prize founded on the vision for peace of building “One Family Under God,” the Committee presents the refugee crisis as its core theme for the 2017 awards.” Chairman Hong further asserted that “At a time when the global refugee crisis seems to be worsening by the day, these two laureates, who have devoted their lives to fundamentally rebuilding the lives of refugees through providing the most essential of our rights to ‘medical aid’ and ‘education,’ are the heroes of this era.”
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- 2 March 2021
- Sunhak Peace Prize
Future generations refer not only to our own physical descendants
but also to all future generations to come.Since all decisions made by the current generation will either positively
or negatively affect them, we must take responsibility for our actions.