
Peace is concrete action,
not a vague dream.
We must harbor the awareness that all people are our brothers and sisters.
We must think of all the world's problems as our own and have a pioneering spirit to solve them.
A global citizen who embraces the world and lives for the sake of others will feel pain in his heart over the hunger in the world and will try to help others, even it if means sharing the food that is already on his spoon.
The Founders of the Sunhak Peace Prize, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, have been leading a lifelong journey toward building a global community and a culture of peace. Rev. Moon (b. January 6, 1920) and Mrs. Moon (b. January 6, 1943) were born in North Korea during the turbulent era of global modernization. The two of them had spent a portion of their growing years under Japanese colonialism and undergoing the traumas of the Korean War. They met for the first time and married soon after in 1960.
Rev. Moon, centered on his Christian faith, professed a new interpretation of the Bible, and with it emphasized that all world religions must unite to achieve world peace centered on one God. In 1954, he established a new religious movement called the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) in Seoul, South Korea. The fledgling movement started with a small family of disciples in Korea, and then spread to Japan, the United States and Europe by the late 1960s. By the end of the 1970s, the HSA-UWC had been established in all corners of the world.
Rev. Moon has observed human history, as a whole, and presented a blueprint for world peace based on religious history, rather than the political or economic history of humanity. Even long before the discussion of global governance had begun, he proposed a vision of Pax Perpetua, upon which he called for the building of a global community of One Family Under God; and have since established various international non-governmental organizations that have been leading the global community toward realizing world peace.
In 2013, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon founded the Sunhak Peace Prize to continue the legacy left by her husband, the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who dedicated his entire life toward realizing world peace, prosperity and coexistence, where humankind thrives as “One Family Under God.”

Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s Life and Achievements
Proposing a Blueprint for a Peaceful World Community
"Just as tugging a single strand of hair sways the whole body, tugging the heartstrings of love sways the whole world. As human beings, we are powerless as individuals. So, we live in mutual love for one another. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and gives again. In that way, we must give until all selfishness disappears. That is when peace will come."The founders of the Sunhak Peace Prize, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon have led a lifelong journey toward building a global community and a culture of peace. Rev. Moon (b. January 6, 1920) and Mrs. Moon (b. January 6, 1943) were born in North Korea during the turbulent era of global modernization. The two of them spent a portion of their growing years under Japanese colonialism and experienced firsthand the traumas of the Korean War. They met for the first time in 1960 and married soon after in the same year.Rev. Moon, centered on his Christian faith, professed a new interpretation of the Bible and emphasized that all world religions must unite centering on one God as the parent of all humanity to achieve a peaceful world. In 1954, he established a new religious movement called the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) in Seoul, South Korea, prior to forming the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (1997), to carry out the work of realizing God’s peaceful world. The fledgling movement started with a small family of disciples in Korea and spread to Japan, the United States, and Europe by the late 1960s. By the end of the 1970s, HSA-UWC had been established in all corners of the world.The backdrop to this rapid growth lies in the scripture Original Textbook of the Divine Principle written by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, in which he observed that the relationship between God and humankind is akin to that of parent and child and that the principle of human existence lies in the harmonizing power of true love. Based on the Original Textbook of the Divine Principle, an exposition for lecturing to a Christian audience was published under the title Exposition of the Divine Principle in 1957. The Exposition of the Divine Principle has been translated into 34 languages and the message spread to 190 countries. The core contents of the Original Textbook have been further organized into three scriptures, Cheon Seong Gyeong, Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, and Chambumo Gyeong.Original Textbook of the Divine Principle (Korean: Wonri Wonbon) written by Rev. Moon in 1951.Rev. Moon's vision of peace is expressed as One Family Under God.Calligraphy: "The relationship between God and humankind is akin to that of parent and child relationship."Rev. Moon has observed human history, as a whole, from the perspective of God’s original creation and presented a blueprint for world peace based on a providential history, rather than political or economic history, of humanity. Long before any discussion of global governance had begun, he proposed a vision for peace that called for the construction of a global community living together as “One Family Under God” in order to realize eternal peace. For this purpose, the founders established various international non-governmental organizations that transcended religious, national, and racial differences so that they could work together in leading the global community toward realizing world peace. Since the 1960s, Rev. Moon has been holding Blessing Ceremonies, holy marriage ceremonies to become husband and wife centering on God, based on the notion that world peace starts within the family. In the 1980s, he was an avid anti-communist, and in the 1990s, he turned his focus toward education, helping women and children, cultivating the media, and eradicating poverty to address the issue of inequality and build a global village of co-prosperity. In the 2000s, he proclaimed the love of humanity which he believed can transcend religions, nationalities, and races, and also proposed a grand infrastructural project that includes the construction of an international highway to connect the world into one.In September 2012, after devoting his entire life to God and world peace, Rev. Sun Myung Moon was laid to rest, his life’s work having been accomplished. After his passing, his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has carried on his legacy and established a coalition of parliamentarians and religious leaders to create models of good governance and strengthen interfaith dialogue.Rev. Moon's message of peace is a direct calling to revise the nationalistic mindset of the 21st century: "When we reflect upon whether it is possible for true peace to be maintained in one's own country alone, without a shared interest in the happiness and peace of neighboring countries, we realize that it is impossible to conceive of world peace without a love for humanity that transcends nationalism."In this light, the Sunhak Peace Prize was established in 2013 to recognize and award righteous heroes of our time who have taken the lead in the aspects of sustainable human development, conflict resolution, and ecological preservation, in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s vision of peace and love for humanity.
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True Families Are the Starting Point for World Peace
"We are becoming husband and wife to complete the mission given to us by God to become True Parents.God wants to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on earth through a family. You and I will travel a difficult path to become True Parents who will open the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven for others."The starting point for a peaceful world is a loving family. In order to realize a peaceful world where humanity lives together as one family, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon held a holy wedding ceremony on April 11, 1960, becoming husband and wife in the position of parents of humanity. They then embarked on a journey together to embrace humanity with the heart of a parent on behalf of God. For the founders, marriage is not merely a union between a man and a woman; it is a sacred “Blessing” by which a man and a woman become one, create life, seek true love, and continue God's creative work. Through the Blessing, a “True Family” can be formed, and from there a new society, a new nation, and ultimately, God’s peaceful new world can be realized. Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, based on this vision, began the worldwide expansion of the True Family movement by giving the Blessing to 36 couples in 1961. Moreover, in order to lay the foundation for a world without barriers or conflict, the founders brought together people of different religions, nationalities, and races in holy matrimony through the Blessing. If a man and a woman from enemy nations join together and form a loving family, the spiritual barrier drawn by the historical grudge built up between their families can be resolved, and the hope for a peaceful future can become a reality. To this day, the True Family movement is flourishing worldwide bringing that vision of peace closer to reality.Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon held a holy wedding ceremony on April 11, 1960 (March 16 in lunar calendar). The holy wedding ceremony signified restoring the position of heavenly parent that was lost.Rev. and Mrs. Moon were devoted to their 14 children’s education and building a True Family centered on God. When away from home on speech tours around the world, they wrote letters and postcards filled with love to their children. "Please read this, Ye-Jin. I know you were very sad when I last saw you and your brother at the airport before I left. I will return soon. Look after your younger brother and listen to your mother and older brother. I wish to see my lovely Ye-Jin again soon."- Postcard written to Ye-Jin Moon, June 22, 1965
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Initiating a Movement for Moral Reawakening
"America was founded on the Puritan spirit and grew to be the strongest country in the world in just two hundred years because it received God's boundless love and blessing. But that America cast God aside. I went to the United States to awaken America's spirit, to save America from destruction, and to urge the American people to repent and return to God."America, a land blessed by God, had contracted a serious illness in the 1970s. At that time, the United States was threatened by the Cold War and much American youth were living lives of decadence, far removed from the Will of God. It was during that crisis, when the dire warnings of moral decay blared out of America's media and academic institutions, that Rev. and Mrs. Moon called on the people to return to Godism and reawaken the Judeo-Christian spirit.In 1974 and 1975, Rev. Moon delivered a speech entitled "One Nation Under God" before members of the House of Representatives: "America was born through God's blessing. This blessing, however, was not for Americans alone. This was God's blessing for the world, given through America. Therefore, the American people must understand the principle of this blessing and sacrifice itself to save the world. To do this, there needs to be a reawakening that drives America to return to its founding spirit. Christianity, which has been divided into dozens of denominations, must be united, embrace all religions, and open a new future for world civilization."On June 1, 1976, at Yankee Stadium in New York, Rev. Moon held a large rally in commemoration of America’s Bicentennial. Then, on September 18 that same year, he held a rally at the Washington Monument. The Washington Monument holds a deep significance in America's history for being the stage where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. held his March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and where Rev. Billy Graham held a couple of his crusades. On the day of Rev. Moon's rally, 300,000 people gathered to hear his revivalist message.Newsweek, a world-renowned weekly magazine, named Rev. Sun Myung Moon "Person of the Year" in 1976, for his great impact on American society.On September 18, 1976, a crowd of 300,000 gathered at the Washington Monument in Washington D.C., to listen as Rev. Moon spoke: "I have come to America to save the youth and revitalize them into people of hope. Following the rally, Rev. Moon's moral reawakening movement spread globally.
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Bringing an End to the Cold War
"Human beings are created by God, and all beings are unified bodies having both material and spiritual aspects. Therefore, I am opposed to the historical materialism of communism. I have carried out a movement for victory over communism throughout the world. I have advised successive U.S. Presidents to protect the free world, standing up to the communist strategy of turning the world red."It is well known internationally that Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon were behind the historical events that led to the collapse of totalitarian communism. Rev. and Mrs. Moon were adamantly opposed to the theory of dialectical materialism, which denies religion and God. As a couple who followed the Will of God, and who have experienced the Korean War first-hand, they felt it was their moral obligation to confront the historic conflict between communism and democracy to build a world of peace.In 1968, at the height of the Cold War, the founders established the International Federation for Victory Over Communism, an international anti-communist campaign centered on their ideology that could overcome communist thought. In 1985, when the communist ideology was at its strongest point, Rev. Moon predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union. Sure enough, in 1991, that prediction came true. In April 1990, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon held talks with Soviet President Gorbachev in Moscow. Gorbachev, who was at that time being threatened by conservative communist forces for his Perestroika reform policies, gained the courage he needed from Rev. and Mrs. Moon and expedited the dissolution of the Communist Party.In April 1990, Rev. Moon met with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Kremlin in Moscow. This was a major turning point that ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev, inspired by his meeting with Rev. Moon, dissolved the Communist Party and resigned as President of the Soviet Union in 1991. The bloodless dismantling of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War and opened a new era for democracy. Rev. Moon met with President Nixon (1974) and President Eisenhower (1965) and urged them to stand up to communism and protect the free world based on God-centered ideology.
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Lifelong Journey to Reconcile the Two Koreas
"If South Koreans love North Korea more than they love the South, and North Koreans love South Korea more than they love the North, we could unify the peninsula today."Peace on the Korean Peninsula is a crucial topic not only to the people of Korea but to the entire world. Due to its geopolitical location, the Korean Peninsula has experienced two millennia of power struggles between surrounding nations that understood Korea's geographically strategic importance and sought to capture its advantage. Korea today is the only remaining divided nation in the world and is the site of one modern age's most intense confrontations.Rev. and Mrs. Moon, who had experienced internal displacement in their home country of North Korea, have devoted themselves to the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula throughout their lives. In the midst of the Cold War, they proposed an ideology for peaceful reunification based not on political ideology or military might but on a nonviolent culture of peace centered on the true love of God and called it the head-wing ideology. In contrast to the political ideologies of the left-wing and right-wing factions, which are fundamentally driven toward maintaining power for self-interests, head-wing ideology, states that unification can be derived from our trust in the steadfast love of God.With this in mind, Rev. and Mrs. Moon have consistently attempted communication with North Korea in their effort to "reconcile Korea to reconcile the world." The South Korean government, having been unsuccessful in reaching out to the North since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, feared that the North would continue developing their nuclear program. In order to convince the North to reconsider their nuclear development, Rev. and Mrs. Moon visited North Korea at the risk of their lives and met with President Kim Il-Sung.On November 30, 1991, Rev. and Mrs. Moon visited Pyongyang, North Korea at the invitation of President Kim Il-Sung. In their talks with the President, Rev. and Mrs. Moon candidly and intrepidly pointed out the flaws of dialectical materialism and asserted how President Kim could help unite the Korean Peninsula through love.A joint statement by Chairman Ki-Bok Yoon of the North Korean Institutions on Overseas Korean Affairs and Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Federation for World Peace was announced in Pyongyang on December 5. On the next day, December 6, the joint statement was published in the Rodong Sinmun newspaper. - Rodong Sinmun, December 6, 1991At the meeting, Rev. Moon told President Kim that the only way to unify Korea was through true love and then respectfully encouraged him to sign the Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and join the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), earnestly noting them as the only way toward peace. Immediately after the meeting, North Korean representatives signed the Denuclearization Agreement in Seoul. Soon after on January 20, 1992, North Korea signed the IAEA nuclear inspection agreement, keeping the promise President Kim had made to Rev. Moon.Rev. Moon’s visit to North Korea and the opening of dialogue for the reunification of Korea made top news all over the world. It was a major turning point in history that turned around the conversation surrounding the issue of the Korean Peninsula from a conversation led by international superpowers US-Russia-China-Japan into one centered on the people of the Korean nation. When Kim Dae-Jung’s administration came into office in South Korea, new and exciting opportunities for North-South cooperation arose like never before.The strategy for peaceful reunification, in which North and South Koreans can coexist, cannot be achieved militarily or politically, but culturally and economically by building a common foundation. Rev. Moon proposed various initiatives, such as reuniting separated families, North-South economic cooperation, the development of the Mt. Kumgang Resort, and the promotion of a North-South Korean Summit, to all of which President Kim agreed. Afterward, Rev. Moon established Pyeonghwa Motors and built the Pothonggang Hotel and the World Peace Center in North Korea to promote mutual prosperity and cooperation between the two Koreas.The peace talks between Rev. Moon and President Kim Il-Sung was the first-ever official talk held at the invitation of the North Korean government and the approval of the South Korean government since the nation’s division. The concrete efforts of Rev. and Mrs. Moon to overcome the North Korean political system with true love were a daring move that transformed the general Cold War outlook on North Korea into one of peace and mutual prosperity.Rev. and Mrs. Moon founded Pyeonghwa Motors and built the Pothonggang Hotel and the World Peace Center to help North Korea's economy. Motivated solely by an unconditional desire for peace, their efforts led to numerous reconciliatory activities between North and South Korea.
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Building Peace Upon Interreligious Harmony
"Religion is like a wide river flowing toward an ideal, peaceful world. The river flows for long distances before it comes to the wide expanse of peace. On its way, many streams flow into it. The streams cease to be streamed from the point they meet the river. From that point, they too become part of the river. In this way, they become one." Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon recognized that conflicts between religions are a serious threat to humanity. They, therefore, sought to resolve these conflicts by bringing together diverse religious groups to work together for world peace. Rev. and Mrs. Moon believed that the existence of various religions on earth thrives because God had been leading humankind with religions that meet the regional and cultural needs of each civilization. Therefore, if the various religions can come together and share God's Will, then their fraternal love can lead to a world of peace.Seeing how interreligious dialogue and understanding can develop mutual respect and tolerance, Rev. and Mrs. Moon founded the World Religious Peace Committee in 1968, and through it, created other worldwide interreligious organizations. In 1991, they gathered prominent theologians and religious scholars together and compiled the World Scripture: A Comparative Analogy of Sacred Texts (published in Korean and Japanese in 1994), which contains a comparative study of the holy scriptures of 30 religions around the world, including Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. The World Scripture reveals that 73 percent of all the religious scriptures contain a common message about seeking the origin of the universe and understanding the Creator’s will to realize world peace.The World Scripture, reveals that 73 percent of all religious scriptures contain a common message about a longing for world peace.In order to resolve the fierce religious conflicts, Rev. and Mrs. Moon took on the role of mediator between religions and dauntlessly entered Palestine, where terrorism was rampant. Rev. and Mrs. Moon served as emissaries in the long-standing US-Middle East conflicts, including the Gulf War and the post-9/11 War on Terror, and in 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), founded to realize global community through harmony and true love transcending religious and national barriers, was established with the participation of over 20 religions from 84 countries, including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Daejonggyo, Chollikyo, Sikh, Anglican Church, Cheondogyo, and ShintoismMoreover, the founders pointed out that the UN is swayed by the different powers of this era and is limited in presenting a vision that surpasses modern idealism. Therefore, they urged the UN to transform the current system by marching forward together with spiritual leaders in order to find the true pathway to a world of peace. Specifically, they presented a bicameral system, composed of political and diplomatic representatives in the lower house and spiritual leaders in the upper house. Even though the system did not come into reality, many scholars still evaluate the system as a unique solution to overcoming religious conflicts that were presented ahead of our time. On December 22, 2003, Jews, Christians, and Muslims came together and held a Peace Rally at Independence Park in Jerusalem. At the event participated by more than 20,000 religious and political leaders from 84 countries, Rev. and Mrs. Moon called for the reconciliation of those three religions.On December 22, 2003, Jews, Christians, and Muslims came together to hold a rally for peace at Independence Park, Jerusalem. Rev. Moon shared a message of mutual respect, cooperation, generosity, and forgiveness among religions, insisting on the restoration of the heart as brothers and sisters of one human family whose common parent is God. In 2017, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon founded the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD). Even 25 years after the end of the Cold War, the world, more than ever, is still suffering under conflicts, divisions, innocent deaths, and terrorist threats. In order to overcome these realities and achieve interreligious and international harmony, Mrs. Moon created a coalition of representatives from 84 countries and 20 religious organizations to form the IAPD. In 2019, at the Manhattan Center in New York, Mrs. Moon inaugurated the World Clergy Leadership Conference (WCLC) as an association of faith leaders dedicated and committed to the task of uniting humankind under the banner of Peace, while respecting each other’s religious beliefs, customs and traditions.The IAPD and WCLC focus on interreligious reconciliation centered on the founders’ vision that interreligious cooperation is imperative for peace in the 21st century.
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Solution to World Peace Lies Within the Ocean
"The future of humankind lies in the ocean. If you want to farm or raise cattle, you need to buy land. But if you want to catch fish, you can go anywhere in the sea. There is an abundance of food in the ocean, and the maritime industry that ties the world together is lively. The ocean is an infinite treasure trove that humanity must take responsibility for."Today, the concept of peace has evolved beyond just the absence of war and violence; it is a concept that includes the eradication of prejudice and poverty. From their early days, Rev. and Mrs. Moon worked towards a world without inequality, hunger, poverty, and disease where humanity is harmoniously integrated into a global community. They pioneered a technology standardization movement to help the economies of developing nations grow and built maritime industries for catching and processing krill to help solve the problem of hunger.They have also put forward solutions to climate change, overpopulation, the food crisis, the energy crisis, and water shortages, based on the ocean, saying that the future of peace lies in developing the ocean’s resources. In particular, they have been deeply concerned with climate change and the food crisis, both of which directly influence human survival, and have raised awareness in the international community concerning the importance of the ocean in solving those crises.Foreseeing how climate change caused by environmental pollution could devastate the planet and all of humanity, they have consistently warned that climate change should be tackled from a peace-oriented perspective as it relates to the very survival of humankind and has emphasized the need to respect the marine environment, the earth’s life support system. Moreover, since their first world tour in 1965, Rev. and Mrs. Moon have warned that the food crisis would become a critical issue facing humankind in the near future, and that to save ourselves from a global food shortage, it is not enough to just produce our food on land — we must find the solution in the sea.As an example, since the 1980s, as a result of intensive research and development of aquaculture and the fisheries industry in Alaska and Hawaii, they succeeded in producing dry food products containing 98 percent fish protein which could be turned into powder. As the powder form is easy to store and ship, they are sending the fish protein powder to various countries such as Rwanda, Croatia, Albania, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Somalia to help relieve hunger.Since the 1980s, Rev. and Mrs. Moon have produced high-protein, processed fish products to help solve the food crisis in developing countries.
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Dream to Connect the World
"For thousands of years, history has seen the continuous increase of divisions. Each time a different religion was adopted or a new regime came into power, more boundaries were drawn and wars were fought. Now, however, we live in an age of globalism. For the sake of the future, we must become one."Modern nations have created a system in which they build boundaries to compete with each other to fulfill their national interests. This vicious cycle of self-servitude culminated in the most destructive events in human history: the World Wars. With the sole wish to see a peace-loving global community centered on God, Rev. and Mrs. Moon proposed a grand project that would link the entire world by a single highway system.Rev. and Dr. Moon envisioned the "International Peace Expressway" as a project to bring the world together into a peaceful world community centered on God.Their vision of breaking down the borders that divide the world, turning conflict zones into neutral zones of peace, and linking once blocked-off territories with a highway of peace in order to build an ideal world that all religions strive for, is today a realistic ambition. In 1981, at the 10th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) in Seoul, Rev. Moon announced his plans for the construction of an underwater tunnel complex between Kyushu and Busan as part of the World Peace Road Foundation project.In his proposal, he called for the creation of a one-kilometer stretch of neutral territory on either side of the proposed Peace Highway. He also proposed implementing an immigration office that would introduce a non-visa immigration system, ban vehicles that carry weapons from accessing the highway, and restrict the movement of military vehicles. Rev. Moon likened the Peace Highway to the blood vessels in the human body, enabling a peaceful and harmonious world community to exist.Then, in 2005, Rev. Moon proposed the construction of a bridge/tunnel in the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia as the final link for the International Peace Highway, making it one of the largest infrastructural projects in human history.Rev. Moon anticipated that after this project was completed, new cities would form around the highway across the Siberian landscape and that many development projects, like the cultivation and extraction of natural resources, would rise and grow.In 2015, 10 years after Rev. Moon's initial proposal, the Russian government turned the Bering Strait project into reality when they announced they would extend the Trans-Siberian Railway (TSR) from Moscow to New York with the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR) that would connect the Bering Strait with a bridge.It is evident throughout history that when roads are blocked, civilizations decline; but when roads are traveled, civilizations flourish. Although Rev. and Mrs. Moon's grand project has not yet been fully realized, their idea became the blueprint by which to connect the world into a peaceful community. The bridge between Asia and the Americas, as well as the undersea tunnel between Korea and Japan, will soon contribute to realizing a peaceful global community that Rev. and Mrs. Moon have envisioned.On November 4, 2016, Dr. Han Hak Ja Han Moon visited the construction site of the Korean-Japan undersea tunnel.
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Peace in Maternal Love
"Why did God give us brothers and sisters? Siblings represent all human beings around the world. Our love for our own siblings expands into our fellow countrymen and humanity. Love among siblings means that one sibling is willing to go hungry so that his brother or sister can eat."Women have been subjected to much persecution throughout history. However, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon had conviction and foresight that the future world of peace will be led by women’s motherly love and wisdom. Therefore, she and Rev. Moon founded the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in 1992 to lead a women-centered peace movement with the aim of realizing world peace through a motherly heart.WFWP, which has branched out into more than 119 countries around the world, continues to play an important role in promoting women's involvement in building a world of peace. In 2001, it gained general consultative status with the UN in recognition of its efforts and dedication to this front. One of WFWP’s most prominent activities, the Women's Conference for Peace in the Middle East, is a women's forum for discussing agendas for peace and reconciliation in the Middle East. WFWP also convenes conferences at UN offices in New York, Geneva, Vienna, The Hague, and around the world. Additionally, Rev. and Mrs. Moon founded the International Relief and Friendship Foundation (IRFF) in 1979 that works to improve the health, nutrition, education, and medical needs of African children in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, and the Ivory Coast. In 1994, they founded Aewon Volunteer Service Foundation (AVSF), a social volunteer organization that provides assistance to the elderly, children in need, and the disabled as well as providing aid to North Korean families and service through culture and the arts. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has been promoting human development, particularly in the most isolated countries, through relief efforts focused on children, health, nutrition, education, and disease The international relief organization established by the founders carries out various relief activities in areas of education, poverty alleviation, healthcare, etc. in developing countries across Africa, Southeast Asia, Central, and South America, and more.
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Promoting Global Good Governance with Global Leaders
“Universal Peace Federation will renew the United Nations and lead the way for millions of Ambassadors for Peace throughout the world with true love and the ideal of a true family. They will fulfill heaven’s will to re-create the world as one family under God.” Based on the vision of “One Family Under God,” Rev. and Mrs. Moon founded the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in 2005. The organization is a non-profit peace-making organization striving for global good governance. At the establishment of the organization, the founders traveled around the world, visiting 180 countries, to meet heads of state and to bring cooperation between an organization and the visiting country. Their efforts have laid a concrete foundation among world leaders and advanced UPF to be at the core of the peace movement to bring global good governance. Ever since UPF has been expanding its broad and passion-filled movement to realize world peace in this era. Currently, UPF holds general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and has a network of Peace Ambassadors in 154 countries.To promote its mission, UPF has been holding a series of International Leadership Conferences and World Summits, where world leaders gather to discuss and find solutions to world peace agendas, such as poverty, inequality, family breakdown, global warming, refugees, and negative effects of globalization, that cannot be solved with the effort of a single country, Moreover, UPF launched and developed the Ambassadors for Peace Initiative, the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace and the Interreligious Association of Peace and Development, and oversees the work of the World Peace Road Foundation. Especially since 2016, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has embarked on a great journey around the world to console humanity and in particular, those who have suffered from various crises, sharing messages of love, forgiveness, and unity to fulfill the God-given responsibilities under the vision of “One Family Under God.” She has stated that “True love, which is the essence of Jesus Christ, is love that gives and forgets and continues to give endlessly. There is no future nor peace in nationalism.” In setting the direction toward achieving peace, she stated, “We must become families that love our neighbors, countries, and the world and live for the sake of others. We must become families that fulfill the responsibility of parents and cultivate a culture and environment in which all future generations can live in happiness.” Starting with the Africa Summit 2018 held in January in Dakar, Senegal, and continuing into 2019, Mrs. Moon visited many countries, including Austria, Brazil, United States, South Korea, South Africa, Nepal, Japan, Albania, Cambodia, and Niger, holding various summits and rallies to light the path toward world peace. As the year 2020 marks the centenary of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s birth, Mrs. Moon embarked on a great journey around the globe to spread the vision of peace, Humanity as One Family Under God, to commemorate her late husband’s life of devotion and sacrifice for humanity and peace.Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon giving a speech at the “Peace Starts with Me” Peace & Family Festival in Vienna, Austria, to an audience of 10,000 people. Starting with the Africa Summit held in Dakar, Senegal in January 2018, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon held various peace summits and conferences in Austria, Brazil, the United States, South Korea, South Africa, Nepal, Japan, Albania, Cambodia, and Niger.
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Founding the Sunhak Peace Prize
"We must harbor the awareness that all people are our brothers and sisters. We must think of all the world's problems as our own and have the pioneering spirit needed to resolve them. A global citizen who embraces the world with love and lives for the sake of others will feel pain in his heart over the hunger in the world and will try to help others, even if it means sharing the food that is already on his spoon."In honor of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his One Family Under God legacy of peace transcending racial, religious, and national barriers, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon established the Sunhak Peace Prize in 2013, as an extension of his work for peace.Under Rev. Moon's vision of peace that "humanity is a family community comprised of successive generations," the Sunhak Peace Prize takes an expansionary view of peace for all of the humankind including future generations. While other awards for peace have taken a reactive approach focusing on issues that only concern the present time and awarding individuals and organizations whose activities are specifically tailored to contemporary issues, the Sunhak Peace Prize is an award of peace for the future generation.Specifically, the Sunhak Peace Prize pursues peace based on three key pillars: sustainable human development, conflict resolution, and ecological preservation. The award ceremony is held biennially and has a prize pool of $1 million, which is given along with a medal and plaque for each laureate.The first award ceremony (2015) focused on climate change and the food crisis and was awarded to the former President of Kiribati, Mr. Anote Tong, who led an international crusade against climate change, and to Dr. Modadugu Gupta, an Indian fisheries scientist who pioneered the aquacultural revolution. First Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates (2015) Mr. Anote Tong (top), former President of Kiribati, who led an international crusade against climate change, and Dr. Modadugu Gupta (bottom), an Indian fisheries scientist who pioneered the aquacultural revolutionThe second award ceremony (2017) focused on the global refugee crisis and was awarded to Dr. Gino Strada, a heart surgeon who provides free high-quality medical care for refugees and war victims, and to Dr. Sakena Yacoobi who spearheaded Afghan refugee education programs with a special focus on girls and women. Second Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates (2017) Dr. Gino Strada (top), a heart surgeon who fought for the rights of refugees and war victims to medical care, and Dr. Sakena Yacoobi (bottom), who spearheaded the Afghan refugee education program with a special focus on girls and womenThe third award ceremony (2019) focused on the worsening issue of global inequality and was awarded to Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina and Ms. Waris Dirie. Dr. Adesina greatly reduced poverty in Africa through the agricultural revolution and led Africa’s economic development through good governance. Ms. Dirie, as a human rights activist, raised Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) as an international human rights issue and assisted in passing a worldwide resolution banning its practice greatly contributing to restoring the dignity of girls and women in Africa. Third Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates (2019) Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina (top) who presented a vision of good governance and implemented innovative agricultural policies that greatly improved Africa’s food security and Ms. Waris Dirie (bottom) who is a human rights activist against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) In honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the fourth award ceremony (2020) includes a Founders’ Centenary Award and focused on the core principles of the founders’ peace vision, interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values, in selecting the laureates. Interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values are visions of peace based on principles of appropriate possession based on one’s conscience, the political model of an extended form of family centered on God, and universal ethics centered on true love. The Founders’ Centenary Award is being awarded to former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon who has dedicated himself to leading the world toward sustainability. The 4th Sunhak Peace Prizes are being awarded to President Macky Sall of Senegal, a model of good governance in Africa, and former President of the Lutheran World Federation Bishop Munib A. Younan of Palestine, a pioneer of religious harmony. Fourth Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates (2020): Founders’ Centenary Award laureate former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (top) who has dedicated himself to a sustainable earth, President Macky Sall (middle) of Senegal who is a model of good governance in Africa, and former President of the Lutheran World Federation Bishop Munib A. Younan (bottom) who is a pioneer of religious harmony. [Photo: Medal]
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Founders' Chronology
- 2019
World Summit convened around the world including Sao Tome and Principe, Japan, Albania, Cambodia, Niger, USA
- 2018
World Summit convened all around the world including the USA, Senegal, Brazil, South Africa and Nepal
- 2017
Founded the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development
- 2016
Founded the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace
- 2013
Founded the Sunhak Peace Prize
- 2013
Founded the Hyo Jung World Peace Foundation
- 2012
September 3, Rev. Moon passed away
- 2007
Founded the World Peace Center in Pyeongyang
- 2007
Founded Abel UN
- 2005
Founded the Universal Peace Federation & proposed the Bering Strait project
- 2003
Founded the Interreligious and International Peace Council
- 2003
~2014 -
Supported the Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI)
- 2001
Completed the first production line for Pyeonghwa Motors
- 2000
Founded the American Clergy Leadership Conference
- 1999
Founded the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
- 1992
Founded the Women's Federation for World Peace
- 1991
Met with North Korean President Kim Il-Sung
- 1991
Met with North Korean President Kim Il-Sung
- 1990
Met with Soviet President Gorbachev at the Kremlin
- 1989
Founded Segye Times
- 1985
Founded the Assembly of the World Religions
- 1985
Predicted the end of Communism
- 1985
Proposed the International Peace Highway project
- 1983
Founded the Universal Ballet
- 1982
Founded The Washington Times
- 1979
Founded the International Relief and Friendship Foundation
- 1977
Held the Conference of World Religions
- 1976
Held the Washington Monument Rally for the US's bicentennial
- 1972
Held the International Conference for the Unity of the Sciences
- 1968
Founded the Victory Over Communism movement
- 1962
Founded the Little Angels dance troupe
- 1960
Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s Holy Wedding
~1950’s- 1954
Rev. Moon founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Becomes the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in 1997)
- 1943
January 6, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon is born in South Pyeongan Province
- 1920
January 6, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon is born in North Pyeongan Province